
2.5 Office transfer

2.5.1. When the General Treasurer term expires and the new General Treasurer is elected or the General Treasurer resigns during his term and the interim General Treasurer is appointed, the transfer of accounts and documents are to be as follows.

2.5.2. The President, the former General Treasurer and the new General Treasurer shall first decide together the closing date. The closing date must be within two months.

The former General Treasurer closes the books on the closing day and transfer all the books and documents together with the Bank balance statements of the closing day to the new General Treasurer.

2.5.3. The three parties shall examine all the papers and sign four copies of the Transfer Statement. Each party keeps one copy and one copy shall be sent to the General Secretary. In case of any difficulty, the DC shall receive one copy each of all the papers and the transfer statement for their examination.

2.5.4. The Bank account is closed on the closing day and the new General Treasurer recommends a bank to DC in consultation with the President. The new General Treasurer shall open a new bank account in the name of NA after approval of the DC.

2.5.5. This procedure does not mean that the former General Treasurer is free from any misconduct of his duty during his term at the office.

  1. Income

The major sources of income for JUA are as follows:

3.1. Membership Fee

The JUA annual membership fee for each National Federations is US $150. Each National Federation must pay the above amount together with the IJF annual membership fee of US $250 to the account of JUA before the 31 \' of March of the year concerned.

3.2. Profit Dividend from IJF resulted from TV Broadcasting Rights


(i) 5% of TV Broadcasting Rights income from World Championship and other IJF events

(ii) 10°l0 of TV Broadcasting Rights income from the Olympics, distributed by the IOC

3.3. TV Broadcasting Rights Income

(i) TV Broadcasting Rights income from Asian Judo Championships and other JUA events

(ii) TV Broadcasting Rights income from other competitions organized by NA

3.4. Advertising Income

(i) Advertising income from Asian Judo Championships and other JUA events

(ii) Advertising income from the official JUA Handbook and other publications

(iii) Advertising income from video tapes and other multimedia programs

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