1.1. The Finance and Accounting Procedure of the Judo Union of Asia (hereinafter referred to as the "JUA") in conjunction with the Statutes and other Rules and By-Laws are the binding documents for all the financial aspects of the JUA.
1.2. Any amendment to this Procedure is decided by the Directing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "DC"). Any member of National Federation or DC can propose to amend the Procedure. Amendment proposal with concerned documents must be sent to the General Treasurer. The General Treasurer must submit this proposal together with his / her viewpoints to the next DC Meeting.
1.3. If there is an amendment to the Statues or the Congress decisions, the concerned contents of this Procedure will be amended automatically.
1.4. In an emergency, the President\'s decision shall prevail. However, in such a case, the General Treasurer must report it at the next DC Meeting.
1.5. For all important contracts, the originals must be kept by the General Treasurer until the end of his term, at which time the originals are handed over to the General Secretary. When the contracts are signed, copies of the contracts must be distributed promptly to all DC members for reference.
2.1. General
2.1.1. The currency for all the financial statement and bookkeeping is the United States Dollar.
2.1.2. If a transaction is made in another currency, official bank exchange rate of the day of the transaction applies.
• The financial and accounting fiscal period (about two years) of JUA starts on the 1st January and ends on the 31st December of each calendar year.
2.1.4. The President, or DC can request a report about the financial status of JUA at any time to the General Treasurer. As soon as the General Treasurer receives sure a request, he / she must submit such reports with proper supporting documents to the President or DC.
2.1.5. If the President or DC finds it necessary to perform an audit, the President or DC can request to the DC approved internationally accepted public accounting firm to do so. The General Treasurer must disclose all the books to the auditor. The auditor\'s report must be approved at the next DC Meeting.
2.2 Budget
2.2.1. The Budget is based on JUA fiscal year.
2.2.2. Each office submits its expected amount of expense for the next fiscal year to the General Treasurer within two mounts after the Ordinary Congress.
2.2.3. The General Treasurer shall gather all the income and expense data, draft a budget, and submit it to DC for approval. The Budget is drafted on the basis of events: for example, Asian Games, Asian Judo Championships, Asian Junior Judo Championships DC Meeting, Commission Meeting, Seminars and other meetings. The Budget (draft) shall become effective only after the DC\'s approval.
2.2.4. The General Treasurer should ask DC to amend the Budget in the following cases :
(i) If the expected actual total expense is more than 10% over the budget and amount is more than $10,000 due to inflation, miscalculation or foreign exchange fluctuation.
(ii) If there is / are new event(s) which require more than $5,000 and has not been included in the Budget.
(iii) In emergency, the General Treasurer may pay the expenses from the reserve account after the approval of the President and one other DC member who is related to the matter and must ask for approval at the next DC Meeting.
(iv) Each office and Chairman of the commission may propose an amendment of the Budget to the DC in order to carry out his duties.
2.2.5. If the difference between an event budget and the actual total expense exceeds the budget by less than 10%, the General Treasurer may pay the difference from the reserve account and must report it at the next DC Meeting.
2.2.6. The General Treasurer should disburse the difference after considering the cash flow situation.
2.2.7. The expense amount shown in the Budget is the maximum amount each office may spend during a certain period or specified time, or on a specific event. In principle, in order to achieve maximum savings, each office and the General Treasurer, must endeavor to comply with their concerned Budgets and to keep expenses at a minimum.
2.2.8. Should a need arise to transfer a budgeted expense from one account to another, i.e. greater travel expense and less expense for accommodations, prior written approval of the General Treasurer is required.
2.2.9. The Olympic Profit Dividend from IJF is one of the biggest sources of income for NA.
2.2.10. If for any reason, an event is cancelled or there is a surplus from an event, the surplus is carried over to the next fiscal year unless there is an amendment to the Budget otherwise.
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